Marina Niko

20 20

The artist

20 20

Marina Niko - 2020
20 20 | 75×55 cm | oil on canvas | 2020

20 20 is a project dedicated to this year. The year when we found ourselves face to face with our inner world. The situation has dramatically changed our priorities. If earlier the “external” made it possible not to look inside ourselves, but now, by chance, we are all forced to concentrate on this. Especially in a tough “lock down” environment, when it becomes not a choice, but the only reality. I would not call this year a test, it was a year of experiments and “honest” conversation with myself.

Marina Niko - Exit
Exit | 100×80 cm | oil on canvas | 2020
Marina Niko - New year
New year | 60×80 cm | oil on canvas | 2020
Marina Niko - Stay alive
Stay alive | 60×80 cm | oil on canvas | 2020
Marina Niko - Zeroing
Zeroing | 63×48 cm | cotton paper, mixed media, gold leaf | 2020
Marina Niko - Self learning
Self learning | 53×40 cm | mixed art technique | 2020
Marina Niko - Modern stalker
Modern stalker | 44×48 cm | mixed art technique | 2020
Marina Niko - Not a suitable
Not a suitable? In sense of? | 56×39 cm | mixed art technique | 2020
Marina Niko - Masks
Masks | 49×41 cm | mixed art technique | 2020